Who Can File a Nester or Tornado Coil Lawsuit?

National Nester and Tornado coil attorneys provide information on who qualifies to file a Nester and Tornado coil lawsuit for serious injury and death

Who Can File a Nester and Tornado Coil Lawsuit

Patients implanted with Cook Nester or Tornado coils are at risk for severe pain and life-threatening complications including bleeding and clotting problems such as emboli, hematomas and hemorrhage; ischemia and tissue necrosis; and death. Critics say the manufacturer, Cook, Inc., was aware of the risks posed by migration or movement, corrosion or breakage of the device, but neglected to warn the public. As a result, countless patients have suffered from Nester and Tornado coil complications with no prior knowledge of the risk.

Persons who developed severe pain; organ, tissue, or nerve damage; bleeding and clotting problems; or other Nester and Tornado coil problems are seeking clarification of the qualifications required to participate in a Nester and Tornado embolization coil lawsuit. Our law firm offers free, no-obligation, confidential consultations to anyone who feels they may have a claim, but we have outlined the basic qualifications in this section. In general, these are factors that are considered in each Nester and Tornado coil lawsuit claim.

For persons and family members of persons who meet these qualifications, it is likely you will be eligible to file a Nester and Tornado coil lawsuit. There are multiple reasons to file a claim. First, Nester and Tornado coil lawyers believe individuals who have suffered from complications related to defective embolization coils may be eligible for compensation for the expense of medical treatment, pain, suffering, and loss associated with Nester and Tornado coil problems. More meaningful than that to some is the opportunity to hold a large corporation accountable for patient safety and dishonest business practices. Critics say Cook, Inc. failed to conduct pre-market testing or post-market surveillance, or warn patients of known risks, putting countless Americans at risk for serious Nester and Tornado coil side effects.

Attorneys offering free, no obligation Nester and Tornado coil lawsuit case review are available to speak with you and your family about your circumstances. To learn more about filing a lawsuit, please fill out the simple form on this page.