Nester and Tornado Coil Lawsuit FAQs

Answers to the Most Common Nester and Tornado Coil Lawsuit Questions

Cook Nester and Tornado Coil Lawsuit Questions and Answers

This page contains answers to common Cook Nester and Tornado lawsuit questions that apply to most embolization coil claims for serious injury and death. To discuss your case in detail or ask specific questions related to your circumstances, contact our firm. Our team of attorneys handling Nester and Tornado coil lawsuit claims provides free, no obligation case review. Simply contact our firm and one of our experienced lawyers handling national Cook Tornado and Nester coil lawsuit claims for severe and chronic pain; bleeding and clotting problems such as emboli, hematomas and hemorrhage; infection, foreign body reactions, and autoimmune problems; ischemia and tissue necrosis; and death will contact you in the near future to answer your questions, completely free of charge.

Who can make a Nester coil injury claim or file a Tornado coil lawsuit against Cook?

Any person or family member of a person who has suffered from severe and chronic pain; bleeding and clotting problems such as emboli, hematomas and hemorrhage; infection, foreign body reactions, and autoimmune problems; ischemia and tissue necrosis; or death as a result of a Nester or Tornado coil may be eligible to make a claim by filing an embolization coil lawsuit against Cook, Inc.

Who is most at risk for developing Nester coil problems or Tornado coil side effects?

Any person who has had one or more Cook Nester or Tornado embolization coils implanted at any point in the past is at risk for developing side effects or complications. In many cases, it seems the device is a success at first. However, over time, these metal coils can move from their intended site and push into nearby tissues, nerves or organs. The result of Nester and Tornado coil migration ranges from severe pain and infection to organ damage, tissue death, internal bleeding problems, and death.

Does it cost anything for you to review my case?

We will always listen to your circumstances and give you our analysis of your case without any cost or further obligation.

Aren't most drug and products liability lawsuits just class action lawsuits where the plaintiff receives very little money?

National Nester and Tornado lawsuit claims are likely to be consolidated as MDL, or Multi-District Litigation, where each plaintiff receives a settlement based upon the individual injuries and damages incurred by each plaintiff. This process increases the efficiency of processing vast numbers of cases against a corporation, all related to one dangerous drug. Cook Nester and Tornado Coil Lawsuit Questions and Answers

How much time do I have to file a Tornado or Nester coil lawsuit?

Most states have embolization coil lawsuit time limits; however, the majority of all persons having had a Cook Nester or Tornado coil implanted will fall within those time limits if they contact an attorney in the near future. For specific time limits for your claim, please fill out the form at right and one of our attorneys will contact you as quickly as possible, usually within the hour.

What does it cost to file a Nester or Tornado coil lawsuit?

We are committed to representing all persons involved in a Tornado or Nester coil lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning there are never any legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. To access your free, no-obligation consultation, use the online chat feature or contact form on this site. One of our lawyers handling Tornado and Nester coil lawsuits for device migration, perforation, serious injury and death will contact you to answer any of your questions.

We're not the type of people who sue; do we really need to file a lawsuit?

If you or a member of your family suffered a serious injury or health problem as a result of a defective product like a Nester or Tornado embolization coil, long-term, or even lifelong, medical care may be required. This could be incredibly expensive and since medical costs are continually rising may be largely unknown at the time of settlement or trial. If a member of your family died due to Nester or Tornado coil complications, no amount of money can undo that wrong. It is our fervent hope that every defective product, drug or other medication lawsuit we file can serve to make the manufacturer take note of the loss and pain its product has caused. When that fails to make a company take action in the form of a product recall, greater warnings about its use and ultimately making safer products, we rely on their profit motivation to make them do the right thing. Unfortunately, in all too many cases it is only the fear of lawsuits and large settlements and verdicts that makes a company become a better corporate citizen.